Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Love Bug

Everyone around me is having babies. So craft Nily has been working overtime making baby stuff even if that means the crafts for me get put off (like the shower curtain below that took 2 years to finish). But when the baby is this cute is it hard to see why I have been spending all this time making her stuff. Just incase it was not obvious they went with a lady bug theme in the nursery. Do you think it’s too much? I think she pulls it off.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Here fishy fishy fishy

I love to craft and I am not afraid to try new media or tools. That is why I am so proud of myself and these fish & bubbles I made for my friends nursery. It was my first time using a jig saw and I did it all by myself. Go NILY.

It is done!!!!

My long awaited and much anticipated shower curtain. It was a labor of love.

Although it took my a long time to finish this one I already have another idea brewing for my other bathroom. So many crafts to do so little time.